4 research outputs found


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    Handover keperawatan di rumah sakit dapat berpengaruh terhadap hasil pelayanan kesehatan pasien. Handover merupakan bagian dari proses asuhan keperawatan sebagai pertukaran informasi pasien antar perawat, memastikan kontinuitas perawatan pasien, keselamatan pasien. Kepala ruangan memiliki fungsi melakukan supervisi pada proses handover, sehingga dapat meningkatkan kepedulian terhadap kualitas keperawatan, dan berpegang kepada etika keperawatan. Belum optimalnya pelaksanaan supervisi handover dianalisa menggunakan fishbone diagram untuk mendapatkan akar masalah/rootcause. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pelaksanaan supervisi handover keperawatan pada rumah sakit di Jakarta Selatan. Metodologi yang digunakan dengan metode wawancara, observasi, pengisian kuesioner dan telaah dokumen rekam medik pasien. Optimalisasi kualitas supervisi handover perawat dengan melakukan evaluasi pelaksanaan handover, memerlukan instrumen sesuai dengan standar prosedur operasional atau  standar akreditasi rumah sakit. Kepala ruangan perlu melakukan sosialisasi prosedur dan supervisi berkala pelaksanaan handover keperawatan, komitmen bersama mendukung program ini, menggunakan instrumen penilaian handover yang seragam, adanya audit dan evaluasi dari manajemen bidang keperawatan

    Implementasi Logbook Kompetensi Perawat Berbasis Digitalisasi

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    This research aims to identify problems and find solutions for nurses in providing proof of competency through a digitalization-based competency logbook. The study used a case report approach with interviews and distributed questionnaires in the ER (Emergency Department) to 103 nurses to implement digitalization-based competency logbook innovation. The research results show a competency logbook (SOP) (Standard Operational Procedure), a digitized logbook operational flow, a competency logbook link, and a spreadsheet link have been prepared. Logbook implementation and performance evaluation: 81.5% of IGD nurses apply digitalization-based competency logbooks. In conclusion, digitalization-based competency logbooks are an effort to resolve problems related to the sub-optimality of nurse competency logbooks.   Keywords: Digitalization, Competency Logbook, Nurs

    Optimalisasi Penegakan Diagnosis Keperawatan Sesuai Standar Asuhan Keperawatan di Rumah Sakit X

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    This study aims to analyze the enforcement of nursing diagnoses according to the Nursing Care Standards of X Hospital Jakarta. The research method uses a case study approach with interviews, document review and observation, and performs problem analysis using fishbone analysis. The results showed that the enforcement of nursing diagnoses in accordance with the Standards of Nursing Care was not optimal, so that it had an impact on the quality of care and its documentation. Nursing diagnoses that are in accordance with Nursing Care Standards are 48.6%. Lack of supervision from managers, assessments using personal assumptions and the standard of writing diagnoses in the local Hospital Information System (SIRS) has not been facilitated. Through strengthening the directing function with SAK media innovation, there was an increase in writing nursing diagnoses according to SAK to 62.3%. In conclusion, optimizing the enforcement of nursing diagnoses in accordance with Nursing Care Standards can be implemented with SAK media innovations (Softfiles on the Google Form Platform and flipcharts) which are given to implementing nurses at X Hospital.   Keywords: Diagnosis, Nursing Documentation, Quality, Nursing Care Standard